Twinderella tells the tale of Cinderella and her long-lost twin, Bob! Although their step-families make their lives miserable, Bob has his sights set on attending Prince Percy's all-kingdom baseball game while Cinderella eyes the birthday gala for Princess Petunia. The separated siblings enlist the help of a Fairy Godmother, a Godfather, and two enchanted gerbils to get into the exclusive royal festivities of Wychwood-under-Ooze. But once Cinderella hits the game-winning home run and the clock strikes midnight, the twins go missing, and the search is on to find the feet that fit the glass slipper and the muddy cleat.
Cast members for this year's play include: McKenna Bailey, Rachael Bair, Destiny Bates, Nicole Benditt, Dayton Benjamin, Rachel Blanchard, David Boardman, MarriahCalaman, Dalton Carey, Steven Chenot, Hannah Chilson, Madi Doss, Cassidy Estelle, Joe Garris, Katie Hackett, Miranda Isbell, Zach Johnson, Ethan Jones, Dakota Kershner, Tyler Lambert, Kristin Leljedal, Lindsey Leljedal, Whitney Madill, Nicole McNew, Emily Miller, Dalton Potter, Braydin Ryck, Miranda Sarno, Abby Schrader, Zach Sims, Gabby Slater, CatieSpencer, Luke Tama, Lars Thomason, Aaron Trybula, Justine Vargason, Quinn Wecker, Brooke Williams, Blaire Wood, Cameron Wood.
Come support the senior class and enjoy a night of entertainment! Produced by special arrangement with the Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood.