Set in New York City in the 1950s, Guys & Dolls follows gambler Nathan Detroit (Tyler Sheets) and his trusted friends, Nicely-Nicely Johnson (Taylor Hallabuk) and Benny Southstreet (Whitney Madill), on their quest to find a place to hold Nathan’s famous floating crap game. In an attempt to get the money to secure a location, Nathan makes a bet with the one and only Sky Masterson (Michael Sarno). The terms of the bet? Convince Save-a-Soul Missionary Sarah Brown (Katie Christian) to eat dinner with him in Havana, Cuba. Chaos ensues, allowing us to meet a whole slew of fascinating characters, including Nathan’s fiancée of 14 years, local songstress Miss Adelaide (Samantha Peachey). A posse of gamblers and criminals, a gaggle of night club dancers, and a band of merry missionaries round out this cast for an enchanting night of musical comedy.
Will Nathan win the bet, host the game, and make a fortune? Will Adelaide and Nathan ever get married? And how did a missionary get mixed up with a bunch of gamblers? Come see the show to find out! Guys & Dolls is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
Will Nathan win the bet, host the game, and make a fortune? Will Adelaide and Nathan ever get married? And how did a missionary get mixed up with a bunch of gamblers? Come see the show to find out! Guys & Dolls is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.