Kindergarten: Children must be five (5) years old by September 1, 2023, to be eligible to enroll in the kindergarten program. NOTE: If your child is already attending the Pre-K program in J. Andrew Morrow Primary School, you DO NOT need to register your child for the Kindergarten Program.
Pre-K Program: Children must be four (4) years old by September 1, 2023, to be eligible to enroll in the Towanda Area School District Pre-K program. Parents must provide transportation for their child.
The YMCA provides a before and after-school daycare program for J. Andrew Morrow Primary School students. If you are interested in daycare, please contact the YMCA at 570-268-9622.
Parents will also need the following papers to complete the registration packet:
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Child’s Immunization Record
- Child’s Social Security Number
- Proof of Residency (examples: current bill, lease agreement, etc.)
- Custody Papers
- Income verification for Pre-K as indicated on the enrollment form in the packet.
All families will need to verify that their child’s immunization records are up to date before the start of school. State Law requires children to have proper immunization against NINE diseases before entering school. An official shot record is required when registering. Your child will need to have (4) doses of DPT (4th shot on or after fourth birthday), (3) doses of Oral Trivalent Polio Vaccine or injected Polio, (2) doses of MMR (regular measles, German measles, and mumps), (3) doses of Hepatitis B (not to be confused with the HIB Vaccine), and (2) doses of Varicella (Chicken Pox) Vaccine or a documented case of the illness. If you have any questions concerning your child’s shot record, please contact our school nurse, Jackie Vanderpool at 570-265-2101 (ext. 3060) as soon as possible. Students will not be permitted to start school without the immunizations listed above.
The Towanda Area School District is excited to welcome our newest Black Knights and their parents as they begin their educational journey with us.