Due to COVID last year, the 19-20 and 20-21 winners were recognized and honored with their families, where they read their essays. The winners in the 19-20 Voice of Democracy category were Logan Lambert-1st place, Hannah Ryck-2nd place, and Kaleigh Fields-3rd place. The winners in the 20-21 Voice of Democracy category were Ryan O’Connor-1st place, Joel Pelachik-2nd place, and Aziza Ismailova-3rd place. Winners in the 19-20 Patriot’s Pen category were Marisa Wise-1st place, Jaycee Scrivener-2nd place, and Abby Locke-3rd place. Winners in the 20-21 Patriot’s Pen category were Gracie Johnson-1st place, Alanna Gordon-2nd place, and Madelaine Alderfer-3rd place. Students who participate have the opportunity to be awarded at the post level, district level, state and national levels. The VFW gave prizes to our students totaling $1,600.